World War 3: Germany bars anti-Muslim cursader U.S. christian Terry Jones!

“Such groups and organizations only want to provoke Germany’s Muslims.”-Hans-Peter Friedrich, Germany’s Interior Minister

 16 September 2012, the German Interior Ministry said any visit by Terry Jones would violate Germany’s policies of maintaining public order!

Terry Jones was promoting the anti-Islam movie produced by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (a convicted con man) and porn director Alan Roberts.  (some christians, aye?)

It’s being reported in Germany that neo-NAZI groups want to use the movie for anti-Muslim rallies.  Hey neo-NAZIs, do your research, infamous SS leader, Heinrich Himmler, once suggested that the ‘new religion’ for the new NAZI Germany should be Islam!!!

In fact the first SS Foreign Legion unit, the Handschars, was made up primarily of Bosnian Muslims, along with Catholic Croats!!!

Himmler’s suggestion that Islam should be the religion of Germany was one of many reasons for his downfall. Hitler replaced him with harder core NAZIs (something not mentioned by the victorious allies of U.K. & U.S., who blamed him for atrocities that took place after his downfall).