Corporate Evil: Recent reports revealing how bad Roundup really is. More evidence that Kanup 480 SL responsible for mutant wild dogs in Vietnam!

“100,000s of Indian farmers commit suicide by drinking Monsanto’s RoundUp herbicide…”Best

“Glyphosate containing products are acutely toxic to animals, including humans. Symptoms include eye and skin irritation, cardiac depression, gastrointestinal pain, vomiting, and accumulation of excess fluid in the lungs. The surfactant used [polyethoxylated tallow amine] in a common glyphosate product (Roundup) is more acutely toxic than glyphosate itself; the combination of the two is yet more toxic.”-Caroline Cox, Journal of Pesticide Reform

“New research has recently been released showing that glyphosate, the main active ingredient found in Monsanto’s Roundup Ultra Max, is causing both DNA and cellular damage to cells found in the mouth and throat.”Nation of Change

“Glyphosate, the ingredient in question, has been shown by a third-party study to cause birth defects in the embryos of lab animals.”-Fresh Fuzz,

“The world’s most popular weed killer, Roundup, can cause amphibians to change shape, according to research published today in Ecological Applications.”

“A team of senior plant and animal scientists have recently brought to my attention the discovery of an electron microscopic pathogen that appears to significantly impact the health of plants, animals and probably human beings. Based on a review of the data, it is widespread, very serious, and is in much higher concentrations in Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans and corn — suggesting a link with the RR gene, or more likely the presence of Roundup. This organism appears NEW to science!”-Colonel (Ret) Don Huber, Emeritus Professor, Purdue University APS Coordinator, USDA National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS)

“Records of pesticide poisoning compiled over the last five years by California’s Department of Agriculture show that among some 200 pesticides widely used in the state, Roundup has been linked to the greatest numbers of eye, skin, and internal injuries. The EPA’s own Pesticide Incident Monitoring System (which was dissolved by the Reagan administration) recorded more than 100 cases of Roundup poisoning in 1980. Despite its own findings, the EPA concluded the weed killer is ‘not a primary skin irritant, and is only minimally irritating to the eye.’ That judgement was based solely on data provided by Monsanto.”Skeptic Tank Files

“A recent study conducted by a German university found very high concentrations of Glyphosate, a carcinogenic chemical found in herbicides like Monsanto’s Roundup, in all urine samples tested. The amount of glyphosate found in the urine was staggering, with each sample containing concentrations at 5 to 20-fold the limit established for drinking water.”NaturalSociety

“Some of the fungi promoted by glyphosate produce dangerous toxins that can end up in food and feed. Sudden Death Syndrome, for example, is caused by the Fusarium fungus. USDA scientist Robert Kremer found a 500% increase in Fusarium root infection of Roundup Ready soybeans when glyphosate is applied (see photos and chart). Corn, wheat, and many other plants can also suffer from serious Fusarium-based diseases.    But Fusarium’s wrath is not limited to plants. According to a report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, toxins from Fusarium on various types of food crops have been associated with disease outbreaks throughout history. They’ve ‘been linked to the plague epidemics’ of medieval Europe, ‘large-scale human toxicosis in Eastern Europe,’ oesophageal cancer in southern Africa and parts of China, joint diseases in Asia and southern Africa, and a blood disorder in Russia. Fusarium toxins have also been shown to cause animal diseases and induce infertility.”-Dr. Fox,

The reports go on and on and on, but here’s what Monsanto has to say about it: “Monsanto is not aware of any reliable studies that demonstrate Roundup Ready crops are more susceptible to certain diseases or that the application of glyphosate to Roundup Ready crops increases a plant’s susceptibility to diseases.”