One Year Later: 1.5 million tons of tsunami flotsam still heading for North America, USCG sinks Japanese fishing boat

The U.S. Coast Guard took advantage of a Japanese tsunami ghost ship to get some target practice in.

Pictures show the fishing trawler pock marked with holes after being hit by cannon fire.  The USCG declared it a shipping hazard.

This is just the beginning wave of flotsam from March 11, 2011’s major tsunami that hit Japan.  An estimated 1.5 million tons of houses, boats, cars, bodies and other debris are slowly making their way to North America.

Some analysts from Kyoto University think 90% will hit the North American coast line by October 2012.  More than 40 thousand tons will arrive by February 2013.

Of course it all depends on the ocean currents, winds and storms.