Class Warfare & Privatization: Greek police now operate on rental bases

“…with the decision of Ministers of Protection and Finance, the Greek police is available for hire by private clientele. However, this means if the Greek police is hired by those who can afford it, there are no available forces for those who cannot.”-Proto Thema, Greek news media outlet

The Greek news media outlet Proto Thema reporting that Greek cops will now be rented out.

Greek officials claim this is the only way they can continue to fund law enforcement.

The cost: About $39 USD per hour for one cop, additional $13 if you need a cop car.

Police patrol boat $261 per hour.

Police helicopter $1,960 per hour.

As you can see, only the elites can afford police protection now, and the “people” are still being forced to pay taxes for such “police protection” that they now won’t get!

Greek officials say they have to go with the rent-a-cop plan because crime has skyrocketed, no shit Sherlock, youth unemployment in Greece is at 50%!