Occupy America! 07:00 hours, November 17, Wall Street will be attacked by thousands of protestors

“Enough of this economy that exploits and divides us. It’s time we put an end to Wall Street’s reign of terror and begin building an economy that works for all.”-occupywallst.org

At 07:00 hours, New York time, on November 17 the OWS movement claims they will launch a human wave attack on Wall Street.

Organizers say events will take place in Europe as well, it’s being called “International Day of Action”.

Despite some U.S. media reports calling an end to the OWS movement, after a weekend of brutal police crack downs across the country, it’s clear the OWS movement is alive and well.

New York City officials say they’re ready: “Our plan is to be prepared. Our goal is to ensure this city continues to run.”-Cas Holloway, Deputy Mayor