World War 3: More proof the U.S. & U.K. were paying Gaddafi to torture suspects in the U.S. led War on Terror

“When I was in China in 2004, the British approached me through an intermediary. They said they would allow me to return to Britain but they just wanted to speak to me at the British Consulate in Hong Kong to check my political views.  I was expecting to meet the British, but I and my whole family were arrested at the airport and ended up on an airplane taking us to Libya.”-Sami Saadi, anti-Gaddafi dissident

What’s really strange is that this man was not anti-western, he was anti-Gaddafi!!!  Yet the British rounded him and his family up, and shipped them off to be tortured by Gaddafi’s security agents.

According to documents recently found by Human Rights Watch, the U.S. CIA offered to pay for expenses relating to the detention of Sami Saadi.

Saadi ended up spending six years in prison, during that time he was interrogated by British intelligence officials.  Then he was arrested for not denouncing this years Libyan rebellion. He escaped prison after rebel forces took Tripoli.

Ironic; Saadi spent years in prison because of the United States and United Kingdom, but then is freed by rebels supported by the United States and United Kingdom!