Tag Archives: trilateral

Global Economic Class War: Proof the banks are taking over Europe; the new Prime Ministers were not elected! New governments will not be elected either!

Who elected the new Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti?  Not the people of Italy, but one man, the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano.

Here’s the thing, in Italy the position of President is not one of much power.  The Prime Minister is the top dog.  It’s like John Boehner appointing Barack Obama’s successor (some people would like that).

Italy’s new national government will not be elected either, it will be hand picked by the new hand picked Mario Monti.   Italian officials are using the excuse that Italy can’t wait for elections.

The same can be said about the new Greek Prime Minister, Lucas Papademos.  He was hand picked, not elected.

Some opponents of Papademos said he’s planning on delaying the scheduled Greek national elections, that are supposed to be held on February 19, 2012.  When Papademos was asked about such a rumor, he simply said that as far as he was concerned, no specific time frame had been set for national elections!

According to the opposition Greek Socialist Party, Lucas Papademos asked for a promise of no political interference in his plans for Greece, and he got it.

This sure looks like the big banks have taken control of Italy and Greece: Both Monti and Papademos have a long history working in the banking/finance industry. Both have gone to university in the U.S., or taught in U.S. universities.  Both men are members of the European chapter of the Rockefeller founded Trilateral Commission!



Global Economic War: New Greek & Italian Prime Ministers part of Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission’s push for one world government

News of who the new Greek and Italian Prime Ministers are, has calmed European stock markets, mainly ’cause these guys are part of the corporate team.

In an earlier posting I postulated that the European debt crisis is part of a plan by the Corporate World to take over Europe (it’s too late for the U.S., why do you think taxpayers were made to bailout the big banks? Think about it, in Europe it’s the other way ’round; the big banks are bailing out the governments).

Now there’s proof of such a conspiracy in the announcement of the new Greek and Italian Prime Ministers, both of whom have a sinister connection.

Meet the new Greek PM, Lucas Papademos.  He’s got all kinds of college education, including MIT.  He taught at Columbia and Harvard.  He’s worked for the U.S. Federal Reserve (a private bank), was the Governor of the Bank of Greece, and was the Vice President of the European Central Bank.

Meet the new Italian PM, Mario Monti.  He too has all kinds of education, including Yale.  He spent a lot of time with the European Commission in which he focused on internal markets, financial services and financial integration, customs, and taxation.  He’s also been pushing to turn the European Union into a true federal government of Europe.  He’s a member of the Bilderberg Group (that should worry you).

Here’s the sinister connection between the two: Both are members of the Rockefeller founded Trilateral Commission.  In fact, Mario Monti is the current European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission!

The Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller in 1973.  The official goal is to foster economic and political co-operation between Japan, North American countries and European countries (notice these are the regions that are currently in big economic trouble).

In 2000, the Japan membership was expanded to include many other Asian countries, and is now called the Pacific Asia Group.

The appointment of Mario Monti as Italian PM, and Lucas Papademos as Greek PM, violates a Trilateral rule.  The rule says no official member of the commission can hold public office  (I don’t think they actually enforce that rule).

Former Republican U.S. Senator, Barry Goldwater, said the Trilateral Commission is “…a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical…[in] the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation states involved.”

In 1975 a report was made for the Trilateral Commission. It was called: The Crisis of Democracy: On the Governability of Democracies.  The report criticized Democracy because the “…impulse of democracy is to make government less powerful and more active, to increase its functions, and to decrease its authority.” It also said the problem with the United States was that it had “…an excess of Democracy.” (looks like they’ve succeeded in turning that around)

Noam Chomsky said the report was “…the ideology of the liberal wing of the state capitalist ruling elite.”

Currently there are several credible conspiracy theorists who claim the September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S. were part of a Trilateral plot to take over the governments of the Western world.

If the appointment of two current members of the Trilateral Commission to the positions of Prime Ministers (in supposed violation of the Commission’s own rules) isn’t enough to convince you of a sinister plot to create a one world government (at least a one Western world government), then I don’t know what will.