Tag Archives: policy

War on Drugs officially a failure

“Political leaders and public figures should have the courage to articulate publicly what many of them acknowledge privately: that the evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that repressive strategies will not solve the drug problem, and that the war on drugs has not, and cannot, be won.”-Drug Policy report

The Global Commission on Drug Policy has declared the War on Drugs a failure.  The 19 member commission includes former U.S. Secretary of State George Schultz, and former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker.

Anti drug policies are to blame for the failure, especially in the United States.  The report points out that while huge efforts are made to stop drug trafficking, most people who end up in prison are the users of drugs, not the sellers.  The report said studies show that users “do no harm to others.”  So why is so much time and money being spent to put them in jail?

The Global Commission on Drug Policy wants anti-drug policies to focus on health and human rights issues, and even consider making some illegal drugs legal.

Obama to announce new Middle East Policy

Israeli media reporting that U.S. President Barack Obama will announce a new U.S. Middle East policy, before his visit with the Israeli Prime Minister next week.

Reports say Obama’s new policy is in response to the drastic changes taking place in the Middle East, and North Africa.

When Obama became President he made promises about peace between Israel and Palestine, but some Israeli analysts say he failed to keep that promise. Any new policy he comes up with, they think will fall short:  “…will lay out some very well known parameters and call in the parties to negotiate, but it won’t be a full blown plan.”-Dr. Jonathan Rynhold, Bar-Ilan University


Obama ready to change line up, the result will not change much

There are rumors that President Barack Obama is ready to change his military and national security staff.

Current Defense Secretary Robert Gates wants to leave.  He could be replaced by current CIA chief Leon Panetta.   The position of chief of the CIA could go to current Army General David Petraeus, who is about to finish his tour of duty in Afghanistan.  Petraeus’ old job, Commander of Coalition Forces in Afghanistan, could go to Marine Lieutenant General John R. Allen.

There seems to be a clear pattern of ladder climbing.  Obama is expected to name a new ambassador to Afghanistan, someone who is from the Bush Jr camp (as is Robert Gates); Ryan C. Crocker.

Crocker has lots of experience being an ambassador.  Obama even gave him the highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  Crocker is currently the dean of the Bush School of Government and Public Service.  Guess who else was dean of that school?  Current Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

So even with all the staffing changes there might not be much change to U.S. foreign policy.