Tag Archives: gop

Idaho’s Mike Simpson says “reforming” Medicare will get GOP “beat up” in elections, but it’s worth it

U.S. Congressman Mike Simpson, from Idaho’s 2nd District, admitted that the Republican party will get beat up in future elections, for Medicare reforms: “We knew that the first person that threw something on the table was going to get the living crap beat out of them, we might be beat up in the elections in the future.  But you got to be willing to take that if you want to reform the system.”

Simpson is supporting House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s reform bill, which would replace Medicare with federal subsidies to buy private health insurance.  I know people who got tricked into switching to privately run Medicare programs (private insurance) and they regret it.  Even the AARP is against it.

When Simpson says the GOP will be beat up in future elections, because of their Medicare reforms, who does he think will be doing the beating?  The voters of course!  So in a round about way Simpson is admitting that Republicans are not doing what the voters want!

Vermont set to Protest GOP leader

Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, will not get a warm welcome when he speaks in Vermont on Wednesday.

Vermont Unions plan to protest Priebus, because they see him as the architect of Wisconsin’s anti-collective bargaining rights bill.  The protest will be in solidarity with Wisconsin’s Unions.

Priebus is speaking at a $100 per plate dinner, to raise money for the Vermont GOP.