Tag Archives: end of days

New even older Mayan calender found! No doomsday for 2012!

“The Mayan calendar is going to keep going for billions, trillions, octillions of years into the future…Numbers we can’t even wrap our heads around.”-David Stuart, University of Texas

Researchers from several universities have studied the most recent find of an ancient Mayan calendar, and concluded there is no “end of days” for 2012.

The calender was part of a mural painted on the wall of an ancient Mayan house.  The house was unearthed in Guatemala in 2010.  The archaeologists who uncovered the house (led by researchers from Boston University) said the wall calender reminded them of someone working out mathematical formulas on a makerboard (“whiteboard”).

Click here to see National Geographic pics.

Researchers did the math and realized that the Mayan wall calender (which could be at least 1,200 years old) projected astronomical observations well past the feared December 2012 date.

What is significant is that it appears that the Mayans who made the wall calender were dealing with mathematical formulas that are beyond today’s understanding!