Tag Archives: barack obama

Ron Paul says Barack Obama’s inaction is the result of his ignorance, inaction is intentional default mode of our government, office of President now closer to becoming a dictatorship

Ron Paul posted on his RonPaul.com site that President Barack Obama’s seeming inability to get anything done is a result of Obama’s ignorance for how our government works.

Paul says the founders of this country meant for it to be that way, they didn’t want any one person to wield too much power: “Getting something done is proving to be a monumental task. This may be news to the supposed constitutional scholar who is now our president, but if the political process seems inconvenient to the implementation of his agenda, that is not a flaw in the system.   It was designed that way.  The drafters of the Constitution intended the default action of government to be inaction.”

Paul also states that our Federal government was never meant to get big: “The vision of the founders was to set up a government that would remain small and unobtrusive via a system of checks and balances. That it has taken our government so long to get this big speaks well of the original design. The founders also knew the overwhelming nature of governments was to amass power and grow. The Constitution was to serve as the brakes on the freight train of government.”

Ron Paul says President Obama’s use of Executive Orders has gone past Constitutional rules, pushing the office of the President even closer to becoming a dictatorship:  “Executive Orders are meant to be a way for the president to direct executive agencies on the implementation of congressionally approved legislation… …Obama explicitly threatens to bypass Congress, thus aggregating the power to make and enforce laws in the executive. This clearly erodes the principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. It brings the modern presidency dangerously close to an elective dictatorship.”

The same can be said of the President’s increased use of the War Powers Act to go to war without Congress declaring war, but, Obama is not the first President to do so.  In fact, Ron Paul blames Obama’s predecessors as well: “Sadly, previous administrations have set precedents that the current administration is only building upon.”