Tag Archives: 401k

What Economic Recovery? Military Retirement Pay to be sacrificed on the 401k altar

In the name of providing more funds for weapons systems and combat operations, the Defense Department has decided it’s time to end their traditional retirement plan, and force military personnel into risky 401k plans.

The plan is described in the publication “Modernizing the Military Retirement System”.

Government officials say that current military missions can not be continued without cutting funding from other military programs, like retirement.  Hello, that’s a clear sign that you’re military is overextended! (That’s what happened to NAZI Germany and Imperialist Japan in World War 2)

Promoters say the good thing about using 401k is that a veteran can collect on the money even if they do not serve the full 20 years.  But all those people out there, trying to get by on their crashing 401k plans, will tell you the 401k is no guarantee you’ll have enough money to live on.