Boise : “Explosions” of Fire

30 June 2016 (02:24 UTC-07 Tango 01) 10 Tir 1395/24 Ramadan 1437/26 Jia-Wu 4714

Possibly lightning started fire east of Boise, Idaho, along the city boundaries where East Table Rock Road turns into East Wild Horse Lane.  Local news reports say at least 202 hectares (5-hundred acres) burned, at this point.  Voluntary evacuations of homes in the area underway.

Pics by Aryssa May Hutchins, who reports witnessing a “large building” going up in flames.  In the pic below you can see a white crucifix on the left, that’s the Table Rock Cross statue near the fire.  Aryssa May Hutchins also reports large “explosions” of fire near the top of the foothills.