World War 3: Israeli defense contractors attacked on Egyptian border. Israel deploys tanks.

“We are in a race against the clock to close the border. We have to seal off the border as soon as we can to prevent exactly these kinds of attacks.”-Colonel Tal Harmoni, IDF Gaza Division Southern Brigade Commander

18 June 2012, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) report that military contractors, building a fence along the border with Egypt, were attacked.  One was killed.

The IDF claim they killed two of the attackers from the Egyptian side of the border.  Now the IDF is deploying armored forces, including Merkava tanks.

In August 2011, nine people (mainly IDF personnel riding in a contracted bus) were killed by attackers from the Egyptian side of the border.  Israel responded by increasing troop presence, backed up with armored personnel carriers (APC).

IDF forces also crossed into Egypt killing five Egyptian soldiers.  Israel later apologized.  Then Israel blamed the Popular Resistance Committees, a Gaza based group.  Israel then attacked Gaza Strip killing at least five people.

According to Israeli media, a few months ago the U.S. supported Israel, and the U.S. supported military junta in Egypt, agreed to throw away the Camp David Peace Accord.  They have agreed to allow each other to base armored forces along their border.

Officially this is to stop militant attacks against Israeli border forces, and to stop attacks on Egyptian forces by nomadic Bedouins.  Colonel Harmoni admitted that the IDF and Egyptian military are working together: “The IDF has strong ties with the Egyptians forces…..”