New treatment that could prevent obesity and anorexia!

“The human obesity receptor binds the hormone leptin and together they play a key role in regulating appetite, fertility, and immunity.”-Pete Artymiuk,  University of Sheffield

According to the journal Structure, British scientists have developed a way to manipulate the hormone Leptin.

Excess leptin predisposes overweight people to conditions such as multiple sclerosis, cancer and heart disease.  A deficiency in leptin, as occurs in malnutrition, results in infertility and immunodeficiency.

Scientists use X-ray crystallography to block, or stimulate leptin receptors: “Modulating the actions of the obesity receptor provides a novel approach to the treatment of conditions associated with both obesity and anorexia and has the potential to make a massive difference to millions of people whose quality of life and health is hindered by obesity or malnutrition.”-Richard Ross, University of Sheffield