What Economic Revovery? Japanese companies report double dip decline in profits, predicts continued declines into next year, blames the crashing U.S. dollar

Major Japanese companies are reporting a second quarter of declining profits.  And that’s before taxes!

SMBC Nikko Securities has compiled the profit results of more than 1,200 companies.  Overall profits are down by 12%.  They also predict profits will continue to fall into next year, by at least 2%.

Business analysts in Japan blame the decline on lack of electricity, due to more than half of Japan’s nuclear plants being shut down, and the crashing U.S. dollar.

As the U.S. dollar falls, the yen is rising in value, making Japanese products more expensive for foreign customers to buy.  Most of Japan’s economy is based on exporting products to other countries.

Japan is also the second largest foreign holder of U.S. government debt.