Emergency Press Conference in Libya, NATO and rebel forces killed 1,300 people in past 11 hours

The Libyan government holding emergency press conference.  They say that Tripoli has been under constant attack by rebel and NATO forces for the past 11 straight hours.

They say the hospitals are full of dead and dying.  At least 1,300 residents of Tripoli are dead, another 5,000 are wounded.  Libyan officials say that is far more than what they have in military forces in Tripoli, and it is proof that U.S. led NATO does not care about civilians.

They say their hospitals are now overwhelmed, even the International Red Cross is unable to handle the situation.

The Libyan government warns that if the rebels win then Libya will be turned into another Afghanistan.  The Libyan rebels are made up of tribalists and al-Qaeda, the very thing the United States is fighting in Afghanistan (at least that’s what U.S. officials claim as the reason for being in Afghanistan).