U.S. Industries in final death throes

Research firm IBISWorld is revealing ten declining U.S. industries, saying their deaths are irreversible. And for some it will be a painfully slow death, lasting until 2016.

The three main reasons: new technology, foreign competition (including shipping off jobs overseas) and industry stagnation (why build new factories when your shipping the jobs off overseas?).

As an example; the number three ranked dying industry is manufactured homes. According to the report, in the last ten years more than 50% of manufactured homes dealers have gone out of business. And those that are still open have seen revenue (not to be confused with profit) fall by 77%.

Here’s the list; 1: Apparel Manufacturing  2: Record Stores  3: Mobile Home dealers  4: Photo finishing (remember the old film cameras)  5: Wired Telecommunications (Landlines)  6: Mills  7: Newspapers  8: DVD, Game & Video rentals  9: Formal Wear/Costume rentals  10: Video Post Production