Donations still lag behind Haiti & Katrina, Japanese Red Cross blasted for not handing out money

It might be due to the bad world economy, or the fact that the rest of the World thought Japan was the best prepared for disasters, but donations are still lagging behind the Haiti quake, and Hurricane Katrina.

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s count, U.S.$161 million has been raised, in the past three weeks. Compare that to the first two weeks after last year’s Haiti quake; $528 million, and Hurricane Katrina; $1 billion.

The Los Angeles Times is also reporting that the Japanese Red Cross is dragging its feet on getting help to people.  Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano blasted the Japanese Red Cross for not handing out any of the $1 billion they claim to have raised. Edano ordered the Japanese Red Cross to get busy on handing out help this past Sunday.

Is it me, or does it seem that every organization is just one big failure after another, when it comes to dealing with the Japanese disasters?