Obama DOES back civil war rebels in Libya, IS targeting Gaddafi

Reuters says they have seen proof that President Barack Obama signed an order to actively support the rebels in Libya, even though there is proof that al Qaeda is also working with the rebels.

The order authorizes covert operations to get rid of Gaddafi. Reuters says the Presidential “finding” was sign two or three weeks ago.  This means Obama was lying through his teeth the past two weeks about NOT targeting Gaddafi, and about Operation Odyssey Dawn being just about protecting peaceful civilians.

Because al Qaeda might be involved with  rebels, this brings up another problem with arming rebels: “The whole issue on (providing rebels with) training and equipment requires knowing who the rebels are.”- Bruce Riedel, former CIA

Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who despise Gaddafi, are also willing to supply Libyan rebels with weapons.  By the way, those countries are Wahhab Muslim, the same as al Qaeda, yet they’re our allies.  Gaddafi is NOT a Wahhab Muslim.  So why do we keep supporting the ones who (Wahhabis) attacked us on September 11, 2001?