Tag Archives: parody

United Police States of America: Anonymous political cartoonist to be arrested for posting cartoons about bad cops

Mr Fiddlesticks is wanted by the Renton Police Department, in Washington state.  The anonymous cartoon poster’s crime?  Stalking police by making cartoon parodies of real life cases of bad police behavior.

A local Washington media source broke the story.  The actual court documents show that the local police department is simply out to avenge the parodying of actual cases of cops who got caught misbehaving: “…discussed a past incident that has already been investigated….regarding a dating relationship (a female detective) had with a suspect.”-from the actual search warrant

An attorney who specializes in cyber law says the police action is pathetic and the case won’t stand up in court: “The cyberstalking angle doesn’t pass the laugh test.  It’s a serious stretch and I’d be surprised if somebody looked at it and realistically thought these acts actually fit the statute and we could make somebody criminally liable.”-Venkat Balasubramani

This tells me that the Renton Police Department are afraid that Mr Fiddlesticks might reveal some bad cop behavior that has yet to be made public, and they want to stop him before it happens.