Tag Archives: bonuses

Government Incompetence: Idaho can’t make Medicaid payments, yet 102 state employees get bonuses!

June 20, Idaho announced that they can’t make Medicaid payments, yet last week they announced bonuses for 102 government workers!

Example: Legislative Services Director Jeff Youtz, paid himself, and his staff, bonuses equal to $94,633.  The total amount of bonuses paid to agencies of the State of Idaho came to $227,003.

Idaho House Speaker Lawrence Denney said it was necessary to “…retain qualified and experienced staff.”

Idaho House Majority Leader Mike Moyle thinks otherwise: “…with the budgetary concerns we’re dealing with, I don’t think it was wise or prudent.”

Moyle is correct.  Consider that the government of Idaho has laid off 517 employees since 2009, and has suspended Medicaid payments, twice now, along with drastic cuts in education and other services (called “austerity” cuts).  Bonuses for government workers are not what the taxpayers want to see.