World War 3: Israeli government disintigrating, Right Wing Zionists pushing for total control. Netanyahu admits he is an Elite!

May 7, 2012, the right wing Zionists in the Israeli Knesset (parliament) are about to push through a motion to dissolve the current government.

New elections will be held on September 4.  Polls are showing that political parties that are not warmongers would lose if elections were held soon.

On May 6, Prime Minister Binyamin (Benjamin) Netanyahu said: “The achievements of this government are a result of a joint vision and a partnership that was possible due to political stability. We have not had such a stable government in decades.”

In other words, the right wingers are admitting there is growing opposition to them, and they want to get rid of those opposing political parties.  Netanyahu also said the new Israeli government can not be subject to “populism”.

This proves that Israel’s government does not represent to will of the people, as “populism” is a term used to refer to the rule of the people over elites!  In other words, Nentanyahu just admitted that he is one of the “elites”, and he doesn’t give a crap about what the “people” of Israel want!