World War 3: United Nations proves that Israel is at war with Palestine

Just because the main stream media isn’t reporting it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.  For months now U.S. supported Israel has been launching ground raids into West Bank and Gaza Strip, while also launching air strikes on Gaza Strip.

Now the United Nations is finally saying something about it!  The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says the amount of violence brought against Palestinians, by the Israeli military, has increased in the past year.

The number of Palestinian civilians killed or injured is a third higher than last year.  Add to that the fact that illegal Israeli settlers have been on the warpath.  Violent acts by settlers are up 38% compared to last year!

Just in the past few weeks Israeli settlers have forced Palestinians off their property, burned their homes, uprooted their olive trees and burned them, and just a few days ago attacked and tried to burn down a mosque.  They also burned several Qur’ans.

Clearly Israel is at war with Palestine.