Class War: Occupy Wall Street protests escalate, more than 700 arrested after Brooklyn Bridge blocked, hundreds arrested in Boston, Occupy Chicago continues, Occupy Los Angeles grows

“Over 700 summonses and desk appearance tickets have been issued in connection with a demonstration on the Brooklyn Bridge late this afternoon after multiple warnings by police were given to protesters to stay on the pedestrian walkway, and that if they took roadway they would be arrested.”-official police statement

October 1, what had to be several thousands of protestors took over the Brooklyn Bridge.  It had to be several thousand because New York city police say they arrested more than 700 of them.  The bridge is now open to vehicular traffic.

“This is our Tahrir Square. We’ll stay here for months if we have to.”-Emilio Baez, Chicago protestor

The protests in Chicago, Illinois, are now a week old.  At lest 30 people are protesting in front of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.  The protestors are calling for the end of the Federal Reserve.

“We had to set a stand to let Bank of America know they cannot foreclose on families and put them out on the street.”-Carolyn Grant, Boston protester

In Boston, Massachusetts, about one hundred people were arrested during protests in front of Bank of America’s headquarters. Reports vary on the number of protestors, from several hundred to more than 3,000!

Boston cops made statements that revealed their true attitude: “They wanted to be arrested, and we obliged.”-Edward F. Davis, Boston police Commissioner

In Los Angeles, California, several hundred people continued the on again off again, Occupy LA protests, by marching to city hall.  No arrests were made, people driving by joined in by honking their horns.