What Economic Recovery? China says you created the economic problem, you fix it!

“Countries must first put their own houses in order. Developed countries must draw up responsible fiscal and monetary policies.”-Wen Jiabao, Prime Minister of China

Despite China becoming the biggest foreign investor in the United States, they say future investments depends on how the U.S. handles economic recovery.  The same goes for Europe: “European countries are facing sovereign debt problems and we’ve expressed our willingness to give a helping hand many times. We will continue to expand our investment there…Europe and the U.S. must adopt responsible and effective fiscal and monetary policies in a bid to reduce debt pressures.”-Wen Jiabao, Prime Minister of China

Analysts from Citigroup agreed: “What he is basically saying is China wants to help, they want to invest, but we can’t help you take the proper measures to control the debt crisis, you’ve got to do that on your own.”-William Rhodes

Another analysts says the EU and U.S. must stop paying for debt with debt: “Politicians have been paying their budget deficits by selling bonds, in other words mortgaging, or charging the future. Sooner or later that catches up with you, and 2011 is the year that the debt finally catches up with several European countries like Greece and Italy. So they have got to put their houses in order. They have to spend what they have, but not spend more than they have.”-Francis Lun, Lyncean Holdings