United Police Kingdom: British Bobbies demand reporters hand over all video of recent riots

Scotland Yard is demanding all media outlets in London turn over video of riots.

The bobbies say it will help them arrest even more people, as if the video from the thousands of city surveillance cameras isn’t enough.  Even British Prime Minister David Cameron wants the media to give in.

The bobbies are asking for all “unpublished” videos and pics.  Here’s the thing, the media has published lots and lots of video and pics that clearly show looters’ faces, so why do the bobbies need more?

“They act almost like they are above the law. They have got 40,000 hours of CCTV footage to go through. And it seems to me they are getting bored with that and are trying to co-opt the press in Britain [into being] evidence gatherers for the police.”-Tony Gosling, investigative journalist