Global Economic Class War: Wall Street protestors grow to thousands, protests spreading to other cities

Two weeks later, instead of fizzling out like so many greedy corporate America loving right wing nut jobs predicted, the Occupy Wall Street protestors are still there, and they’re growing, nearly 2,000 at last count.

On top of that, ‘Occupy’ protests are spreading to other cities.  Some have fizzled out, while others continue.

In Los Angeles, on September 26 protestors gathered when President Barack Obama arrived for a $35,000 per plate fundraiser.  Most people in the LA area make less than $35,000 per year: “The ‘little man,’ the ‘American every man,’ just isn’t getting their voice heard. When you need $35,000 to donate to a campaign to get your voice heard, to have a meeting, that’s not democracy!”-protestor

Now, September 29, hundreds of union workers are demonstrating at LAX: “It’s just hard because the economy is bad as it is, even if they say the recession is supposed to be over, for too many people they are still in bad state and in dire need.”-Robert Branch, protestor

The Occupy Chicago rallies are in their 5th day. About 20 people started the protest on September 23, and some of them are still camped out in front of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.  Some reports say the number of demonstrators are slowly increasing, about 40 as of September 28.

Several big name celebrities, and academics have made speeches during the Occupy Wall Street protests.  Protestors in New York city say they will march on New York police headquarters.  They say it’s in retaliation for the way police have been treating fellow demonstrators. So far 100 protestors have been arrested.

People are amazed at how many highly educated protestors there are: “These are the most over educated crowd of people that I’ve even seen in my life.  People come out of college and there are no jobs.”-Daniel Levine, student at Baruch College

A university professor, and security expert, says the people of the United States don’t have the guts to turn their protests violent, like in Europe: “Americans have become too complacent with the way their society is being run.”-Patricia DeGennaro, World Policy Institute/New York University

If you don’t think the Occupy Wall Street protestors are in it for the long haul, then explain why they have formed a “winterization committee”.