What Economic Recovery? World Bank says things are gonna get worse, public protestors are the new terrorists, China the new financial power house

“In the past couple of weeks, the world has moved from a troubled multi-speed recovery to a new and more dangerous phase.”-Robert Zoellick, World Bank president

In an interview with Australian media, the president of the World Bank says things are not getting better, and anyone who complains about the drastic cuts in their taxpayer funded social programs is a terrorist!

“We are in the early moments of a new and different storm, it’s not the same as [the] 2008 [financial crisis].”

Zoellick says the debt situation in Europe is much worse than what’s being reported.  He also says governments took too long to take action.  Because of the slow response, of Europe and the United States, to deal with economic and financial problems, the world’s financial power is rapidly moving in China’s favor.

Zoellick also said that public protests over drastic government cuts in social programs are a threat, and he agrees with government crack downs on protestors: “I believe what British Prime Minister David Cameron is doing in the U.K. is really necessary.”

So you see the new terrorists in the new global economic war, is you!