What Economic Recovery? Editor says we were never in a Recession, we ARE in a Depression, big bank speculators to blame

“It is much worse than a recession, in fact it is even worse than a depression… The White House has told us we have been on a recovery…which is a complete lie.”-Edward Spannaus, Executive Intelligence Review

“…there will be no recovery…until we take steps to deal with the Wall Street gambling casino, the speculators, which is what is really killing our economy.”

“…shutting down the big speculator banks.  And the way to do that is by restoring Franklin Roosevelt’s law, the Glass Steagall law, which would shut down the gambling casino, wipe out the phoney debts, and that would enable us to get around to rebuilding our economy…”

“I question even the term ‘investors’ these days, because an investor is someone who invests for the long term.  And what you see today in these markets, is very short term speculation.”

“As long as these banks are sitting on huge piles of money, from bailouts, from the Federal Reserve giving them free money, and they’re just speculating with this, they’re not investing, not lending to businesses, they’re not doing anything to create jobs.”