What Economic Recovery? Dairy industry asking government for new industry “welfare” programs, as state governments slash and burns Food Stamps for families

The national average for a gallon of milk is about $4.00.  Many people in the dairy business say they’re losing money because people can’t afford to buy the product. They want the Federal government to create new industry welfare programs to bail them out.

In Idaho it’s estimated that Idaho dairymen lost $700 million in 2009.  Even Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson has jumped on the band wagon calling for more corporate welfare for dairymen.  But, you know what, I buy milk at the Pocatello, Idaho, Fred Meyer, and sometimes at the Chubbuck, Idaho, WalMart, and I’ve always paid less than $3.00 per gallon (usually no more than $2.50).

I have relatives in California who complain about the nearly $4.00 per gallon milk price there, but I haven’t seen that price in Idaho.  So why are Idaho Dairymen complaining?

The real reason dairy products, as well as other food products, are seeing a drop in sales is because the average consumer doesn’t have the money!

Maybe the Federal government should increase Food Stamps pay outs by greatly increasing the maximum income cutoff.  After all, the original purpose of Food Stamps was to subsidize the agriculture industry, by providing lower income people with money to buy food.  That’s right Food Stamps was originally created to support Farmers!

Instead it looks like individuals will get nothing, while “industries” get increased direct welfare!