Global Economic War: Venezuela to nationalize Gold industry, demands that their gold stored in European & U.S. banks be returned, creating gold back money

“Venezuela is the 13th largest holder of gold in the world. From a financial aspect, I think it is a very shrewd and intelligent move to protect his country’s gold assets.  There is, however, a political overtone in that he wants to pull out the other financial assets that Venezuela has in the U.K., in the U.S., and push it into what he calls ‘more likable allies’, Russia, China and Brazil.”-Adrian Salbuchi

President Hugo Chavez wants all of Venezuela’s gold now held in European and U.S. banks to be returned.

It would be the largest physical movement of gold in recent history.  Some reports say it would involve U.S.$11 billion in gold.

The demand for Venezuela’s gold to be returned, comes after Chavez announced that the government would nationalize all gold mines in Venezuela.

The intent of nationalizing their gold industry is a precursor to creating money backed by gold: “We are going to nationalize gold and turn it into foreign exchange reserves…”-Hugo Chavez