BBC finally admits to helping the United States overthrow democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister, BBC doing the same thing in the U.S.?

In 1951 Iranians elected a Prime Minister for the first time.  It meant the downfall of the British backed Pahlavi regime.  But not for long.

The U.S. CIA has admitted many years ago, that it was ordered by President Eisenhower to overthrow the democratically elected Mohammad Mosaddegh.

Now the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) has admitted they helped the CIA.

The British were upset about their Anglo-Iranian oil company (now called British Petroleum, aka BP) losing control of Iran’s oil fields.  They convinced Eisenhower that the democratically elected Mosaddegh was a proxy of the Soviet Union.  So begins the long history of the British government using the United States as a puppet to enact regime changes all over the world (most recently Afghanistan, Iraq, and ongoing efforts in Libya).

How did the CIA do it?  The way they did it is now a classic text book example in University political science classes.  They started small by finding corrupt news media sources within Iran.  They paid them to write false news stories about the democratically elected government.  The BBC now admits to taking a part in this role.

After getting enough media sources printing false stories, they then bribe corrupt individuals, and even unemployed people, to run a round claiming abuse at the hands of the government.  This escalates to riots.  In 1953 so many people in Iran were believing the false stories, and there were enough unemployed and disenfranchised Iranian people that there was a full blown coup.  The Pahlavi regime was returned to power.

If you look at some of the “revolutions” in North Africa and the Middle East right now, they smack of classic CIA/British regime change tactics.

One of the reasons these regime change tactics work is that some of the false news reports actually contain examples of true abuses.  However, the false media stories exaggerate the true abuses, to make it look like the government is out to get everybody.  If this tactic lasts long enough, and the number of riots, with the expected police crack downs, increases it will create a downward spiral in social politics within the affected country.

The BBC admitted to the Iranian people that they helped overthrow their democratically elected government, back in 1953, though a documentary which recently aired on the BBC Persian TV channel.

It was the 1953 U.S./U.K. backed coup that led to the 1979 Iranian Revolution against the U.S. and U.K.

People of the United States don’t think it can’t happen here.  You lovers of PBS should be aware that BBC now owns PBS.  Why do you think there are so many British TV programs now playing on a supposedly U.S. TV channel?  It’s not because the executives of PBS are Anglophiles.  Oh, and don’t forget Rupurt Murdoch’s take over of many so called independent U.S. news corporations.  Murdoch became a U.S. citizen solely so he could legally begin taking over U.S. media.  Murdoch is member of the British Empire (aka Commonwealth).