Quotes from the front line of unemployment

In June, the average amount of time a person is unemployed reached a record 39.9 weeks.

“We have had many, many months to stimulate this economy and still not seeing businesses hire, it’s a real concern.”-Frank Davis, LEK Securities

“I send out 50 to 60 resumes a week. Nobody ever gets back to you.”-Rob Attanasio, unemployed more than one year

“I feel washed out from the statistics, in terms of not being heard, in terms of the energy that it has taken for me to keep trying to find work. I don’t feel like I’m even on the radar screen in Washington.”-N. David Cooper, unemployed more than one year

“I’ve had nightmares about my family living on the street.”-Said Nasser, unemployed more than one year

“What we’re seeing here is a sort of settling into the reality of where things are, maybe not holding out as much hope as they once held out that there’s going to be a big recovery, and all of it is going to come back. Instead, people are looking around and saying, ‘Maybe this is going to be what it’s going to be.'”-Rusty Rueff, Glassdoor.com

“Your hope soars when you snag a job interview; then it’s dashed when there’s no job offer. Repeat this over and over again and you start to feel like it’s better not to get your hopes up.”-Fran Hopkins, unemployed more than one year

“It’s very hard when you’re over 60. Nobody wants us. We’ve just been leaving resumes, that’s it. You get no reply.”-Mary Kadin, unemployed since April 2011