Obama administration flip flops on bin Laden raid info, bin Laden’s daughter says he was killed AFTER capture

Ever since the announcement that Osama bin Laden was dead, the Obama administration has been flip flopping on the details.

First they said bin Laden was killed in a fire fight.  Then they said he was resisting, but not armed (how does a sick 54 year old man resist without weapons?).  They said he used a wife as a human shield, they flopped and said she willingly rushed at the U.S. forces.  First they said she was dead, now she was just wounded in the leg.

What’s up Obama?  I thought you guys watched the whole thing live?  You issued a pic of your cabinet supposedly watching the event live?

Now Pakistani officials say Osama bin Laden’s young teen daughter witnessed the whole thing and says her father did not resist, and that U.S. forces killed him AFTER they got him on the helicopter.  Is this the real reason they dumped his body in the ocean, to cover up how he was killed?

Not a single bullet was fired from the compound at the U.S. forces and their choppers.”-Pakistani security official

Pakistani officials, and locals living in the area, say only the U.S. forces were doing the shooting, no shots came from anyone in the bin Laden compound.

Here are the latest statements from Obama’s officials: “…rushed the U.S. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed.” “Bin Laden was then shot and killed. He was not armed.” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney