Crazy idea: Raid on Osama bin Laden compound part of Witness Protection Program

Why does the information about the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan, continually change?  Why did they dump his body in the ocean for bogus reasons?  Did they dump his body?

First they said they shot him in a fire fight, that was later changed to, “he was resisting”, and then his daughter, and witnesses come out and say there was no resistance.  Now Obama officials back that claim up, saying that of all the people killed in the compound only one was armed.  Bin Laden’s daughter also says he was shot after being put on the helicopter.

Obama officials tried to use excuses about observing Islamic law when they dumped him in the ocean.  But I’ve shown how their claims of respecting religious laws are bogus.  Claims that bin Laden’s body would be a made into a “shrine” are bogus, because he, and other members of al-Qaeda are Whabbi Muslims, who do not practice such things.

Now realize that the United States has been involved with Osama bin Laden ever since the 1980s.  He was our boy during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.  After that war was over, any attempt to “get Osama” was piddly and failed.  There are documented statements from intelligence officials, going back decades, that say they knew where he was, and that he was working for us.

So my crazy question is this: Was this suspicious sounding raid to kill Osama bin Laden really a cover up for an elaborate witness protection program? Assault the compound with two helicopters, guns blazing, take bin Laden and make it look like you kill him, say you dump his body at sea, and really he’s now living somewhere in a guarded witness protection program, because he has too much dirty info on the U.S. government (and he’s rich you know).

By the way, did anybody forget that the bin Laden family are buddy buddy with several U.S. officials, including former President Bush Jr?