Chubbuck, Idaho, to get 500 Allstate Jobs?

Allstate announced that Chubbuck, Idaho, will be the home of a new call center.  The building will go up across from the Chubbuck Home Depot, and could employ more than 500 people (if call volume supports that many jobs).

Lot where Allstate will build a Customer Information Center, in Chubbuck, Idaho.

They hope to have the 75,000 square foot building open by September 2011.  The Customer Information Center will handle not only incoming calls, but conduct outgoing customer calling.  This will make the fourth center for Allstate.  They have call centers in Texas, Illinois and North Carolina.

The Crossings, home to Chubbuck Home Depot, and now Allstate Customer Information Center.

There is some conflicting information about when hiring will start, and how much the starting pay is.  Some local media reports have stated that hiring will begin in November 2010, yet, the official Allstate press release says hiring will not begin until February 2011.  Allstate will post job openings for the call center “At the beginning of the New Year.”  Also, local media reports say starting salary will be $25,000 per year, some say $27,000.  The official press release does not indicate how much starting salaries will be.