Tag Archives: soldiers

Israeli soldiers join lower class in protesting bad economy in Israel, class warfare within the Israeli army

At least eleven Israeli soldiers, with Kfir Brigade’s Duchifat Battalion, are refusing to follow orders, on the grounds they are not getting any financial help from the military, and they can not afford to buy their own military related supplies.

Military service in Israel is mandatory. Men must serve three years, and women must serve two years.

For weeks now poor Israelis have been protesting the skyrocketing cost of living.  Now the protests of eleven soldiers reveals that the Israeli military is divided along class lines.  The soldiers from lower income families claim they are constantly ridiculed for their economic situation.

They also claim the military is depriving them of meals, and they deserted because they’re going hungry.  They have tried using the chain of command to report what is going on, but have been ignored.