Tag Archives: mets

New York Mets: Madoff Ponzi Scheme Partners?

The owners of the New York Mets baseball team are in big trouble, financially anyway.  They just struck out on a much needed injection of cash from potential investor David Einhorn.  To the tune of $200 million.

The Mets owners lost money when ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff was finally caught.  But don’t shed a tear for the owners of the Mets, turns out they were making big profits under Madoff’s illegal investment pyramid.

Irving Picard, a lawyer, doesn’t believe claims by Mets owners, that they were ignorant of Madoff’s ponzi scheme.  He’s suing them for a grand total of $1 billion.

Out of that $1 billion, $300 million covers the profits the Mets owners made off Madoff’s illegal scheme, and the other $700 million is the total amount the Mets invested with Bernie Madoff.