Tag Archives: hiller

Government Incompetence: U.S. Taxpayer funded counter terrorist experts are frauds

“It’s very difficult to admit to myself that I’m a fraud.”-William G. Hiller, convicted counter terrorist scamer

At least $171,415 of taxpayer money went to a man who was training federal agents and local police.  William G. Hiller even claimed the movie Taken, is based on his life.

Hiller was found out after a student became suspicious and asked a real U.S. Army Special Forces major to check him out.  Turned out that all of Hiller’s claims, including claiming to be a 28 year veteran of Special Forces, was a lie.

Hiller taught counter terrorist class all over the country including the FBI Command College, FBI field offices in Salt Lake City and Chicago, the Illinois State Police and the University of Oregon.

During the trial it was implied that some deaths suffered by U.S. personnel, since 9/11, might be due to Hiller’s fraudulent training.