Government Incompetence: California politicians hire their own ‘news agency’, with taxpayer money

The Los Angeles Times reports that the Central Basin Municipal Water District, a taxpayer funded operation, with elected officials at the helm, essentially created their own ‘news agency’ to make them look good.

Coghlan Consulting Group is being paid $11,000 per month to write ‘news’ stories that make the elected officials look good, in the hopes of getting re-elected: “This is a serious breach of the public trust. If it was known and approved by the board, it could be interpreted as the use of $200,000 of taxpayer funds as a self-promotion to help them stay in office.”-Terry Francke, Californians Aware

The idea of a ‘news agency’ for the water district came from the consulting firm: “All of us know that getting positive news coverage about the agency is a very difficult challenge. The solution? How about our own news outlet.”-Ed Coghlan, Coghlan Consulting Group

The Central Basin Municipal Water District is already being investigated by Los Angeles County prosecutors for possible fraudulent travel expenses.