Dumb Americans: New study shows that many U.S. citizens, living in big cities, don’t know that mosquitoes spread disease

“High general knowledge of mosquitoes and concern about mosquito biting was not sufficient to encourage residents to dump standing water, and even in yards where residents did empty containers, there were still many mosquito breeding sites.”-Zara Dowling, researcher

The University of Maryland discovered that many city dwellers are unaware that standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.  Not only that, those people who know are too lazy to dump the water.

The study also looked at the class level of the city dwellers and found, surprisingly, that while upper income families were more educated about the dangers of mosquitoes, they were less likely to take action (wealth breeds laziness?), compared to middle and lower income families!

54% of the families surveyed had a high number of mosquitoes on their property.

However, the University of Maryland must be criticized for trying to imply that most U.S. citizens are dumb, or lazy, when it comes to mosquito control.  The study looked at only 242 urban households!  That’s not enough to make such an extrapolation.