Millions of people in the Middle East demonstrate for Palestinan freedom, Day of Unity prior to Nakba anniversary

May 13, hundreds of thousands of Egyptians are demonstrating in Cairo and Alexandria.  The demonstrators are calling for unity within Egypt, for former Mubarak officials to be brought to trial, and freedom for Palestinians.

In Jordan, hundreds of thousands of people are demonstrating, calling for the freedom of Palestinians.  People of Jordan and Lebanon are also planning on marching on Israel’s borders on May 15.

May 13 is National Unity Day in Egypt.  The Nakba, when Palestinians officially lost most of their land to Israel, is May 15.  Egyptians are planning a million man march to the Israeli/Egyptian border at Gaza, on May 15.

Earlier in the week, Palestinians in Fatah controlled West Bank, and Hamas controlled Gaza, held huge “Unity” demonstrations.