5 year study blames U.S. society for Catholic sex crimes

A five year study, done by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, concludes that because of the promiscuous attitude of U.S. society, during the 1960s-80s, the Church let down its guard on sex abusers who became priests.

The report does say that the Church failed to enforce celibacy, and properly monitor the priests.  Also, the report says large numbers of homosexuals entered the priesthood in the 1980s.  However, it puts most of the blame on U.S. society.

Victim’s groups say the report is a sham because it is the Bishops who’ve been covering up the crimes from day one: “The Bishops are the ones who knowingly transferred predators, allowed them to remain in ministry, then covered up for them when they were found abusing, and then transferred them again to another place.”-Barbara Blaine, President of SNAP