Source of Iraq WMD claim, now says he lied

“Maybe I was right, maybe I was not right.  I had a problem with the Saddam regime. I wanted to get rid of him and now I had this chance.”- Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, codenamed “Curveball”

The man that was the source for Bush Jr’s claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, codenamed Curveball, has admitted that he made the whole thing up.

Curveball was interviewed by the U.K. newspaper, The Guardian.  Colin Powell was made a fool when he went before the United Nations, with a speech based on Curveball’s lies.  Curveball says he was shocked to see that the U.S. actually believed his lies.

Curveball (Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi) made up the story about mobile WMD labs. He claimed he actually worked in one. Now he says it was all lies.  As of today, April 21, 2011, no WMDs have been found in Iraq.