Preparing for Disaster

How do you prepare for natural disaster?

First you need to know what kind of natural disaster/disasters is/are most likely in your area.  Tornado, flood, earthquake, hurricane, volcano, wild fire?  All the above?

Second you need to figure out the chances of your survivability, based on the level of the disaster.   Example:  I live about 130 miles (222km) from the super volcano at Yellowstone National Park.  The last time I read about the expected eruption (a massive explosion) of Yellowstone, I learned that I live within the “kill zone” of 200-600 miles.  However, the rest of North America would be subject to the highly toxic, and abrasive, ash cloud.

That is an extreme example, but geologist keep saying a catastrophic eruption of Yellowstone is overdue.

The next step is: Do you have the ability to prepare?  The main problem in a capitalist society is money.  I do not have the amount of money it would take to prepare to survive the catastrophic eruption of Yellowstone, given how close I am.  The best I can do is prepare to survive the ash cloud (seal doors & windows, wear respirator, along with the usual stockpile of survival goods).  People will say, move!  That takes money as well, and I currently do not have enough money to even move (thank you Corporate America!).  I spent a decade “going where the jobs are”, but after I did some math, I realized that I had lost money with all the moving (I never made enough to make itemized deductions on my taxes, so no deduction for moving. And, one company I worked for actually reneged on its promise to pay my moving expenses).

The best that most people can do, is to prepare as if they will end up on the periphery of a natural disaster.  Stock up on food (mainly canned and dry), water, medicals and fuel, these are the basics.  Do not discount having a gun, just be sure you know how to use it.  And one last thing, if you have pets/livestock you need to make preparations for them as well.