Tag Archives: fedor

Russian Android teaches self to shoot guns!

17 April 2017 (02:01 UTC-07 Tango 06) 28 Farvardin 1396/20 Rajab 1438/21 Jia Chen 4715

“FEDOR demonstrated his abilities to shoot from both hands……to set priorities instantly and make decisions.”-Dmitry Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia

The humanoid Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research robot has been learning a lot, the latest thing is how to use a pistol, with both hands at the same time.

In the video FEDOR gunslinger is at the end, after the robot tanks:


Reminds me of the MGM movie Westworld.  

So far it can open doors, turn on lights and drive cars.  Eventually FEDOR will be used to pilot Russian space flights by 2021.

It’s being developed by Android Technics and Russia’s Emergencies’ Ministry Advanced Research Fund.