Operation CoViD-19: Missions of Mercy & Comfort

USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) and Comfort (T-AH 20) will not act as quarantine/isolation ships as first feared, but will try to ease the burden of land based hospitals dealing with CoViD-19 patients by taking onboard people who are not sick with the CoronaVirus.

Maintenance on chemical analyzer onboard USNS Mercy, 26MAR2020.

Reserve Sailors report for duty aboard USNS Comfort, 26MAR2020.

Video, 24MAR2020, USNS Comfort load-up at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, next stop New York City:

Video, USNS Mercy steams out of San Diego, 23MAR2020, on its way to the Port of Los Angeles:

Prepping slides for microscopes onboard USNS Mercy 26MAR2020.

Video (from a few years ago) explaining the medical capabilities of Mercy and Comfort:

Video, USNS Mercy tour part 1:

Video tour USNS Mercy part 2:


USNS Mercy gets towed away by re-possessors driving tractor-trailer due the Navy failing to make its payments!  Just kidding, it’s a perspective trick of the camera.