Sick, or just intoxicated?: Going Viral, 01-02 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 01 to 02 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

Immune systems not prepared for climate change


H1N1 flu virus kills 13 people in Taiwan in one week

Is it a cold, the flu or coronavirus? How to tell the difference.

Paraguay reports 35-thousand Dengue fever cases

In mandatory vaccine Mexico, a 62% increase in Dengue fever cases and 13 deaths


Philippines reports Chinese man died from coronavirus

Korean man on the street thought to be sick, was just intoxicated

China state bank begins flooding economy with cash, as more viral outbreaks kill off businesses  

Deadly bird flu outbreak among chickens in China, near coronavirus epicenter

At least two Chinese cities are virtually banning people from leaving home

Wuhan doctors beaten up, overworked, under supplied

New Chinese coronavirus hospital will be operated by 1-thousand-4-hundred military personnel!

Coronavirus spread through human crap?

Hong Kong universities quarantine students

State of emergency declared in two districts in Russia’s Far East

Russia declares coronavirus as bad as HIV and the Black Death

U.S. declares public health emergency

8th U.S. infection by coronavirus

Missing link found? Geneticists discover the placenta evolved from ancient form of HIV!

Scientists learn how viruses infect your body by making the virus glow in the dark

Thailand claims to have miracle vaccine ‘cocktail’

Israel to build new vaccine factory

California punishes doctor who gave children exemptions from vaccines

Washington state treats coronavirus victim with unapproved Ebola vaccine!

Going Viral, 30-31 January 2020: “I’M THE ONLY ONE LEFT”