Israeli newspaper points finger at true terrorist: Their own government!

26 October 2015 (20:14 UTC-07 Tango 01, 25 October 2015)/04 Aban 1394/12 Muharram 1437/14 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“….we have a prime minister of a different breed. Everyone and his wife is to blame while he remains pure. He has no hand in what’s happening in the occupied territories or East Jerusalem, which is entirely under Israeli control……

Your excellencies, Mr. Netanyahu and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, what have you done to the children of our people? How is it that a 13-year-old leaves home with a knife in the clear knowledge he probably won’t return alive?

It’s a mark of Cain on the forehead of Israeli society, a moral indictment. ….

Here’s an explanation for the honorable minister. It’s because of the riches the Israeli government and Jerusalem city hall heap on the city’s Palestinians: third-world municipal services versus first-world services in Jewish neighborhoods, daily humiliations, raids, arrests, menacing roadblocks.
The Palestinians enjoy this so much their children prefer death to what Israel has to offer. How ungrateful can you get?
Anyone who visits East Jerusalem feels the despair and the sadness in people’s eyes. And amid this misery patrol the cops of Israel’s Border Police, threatening anything that moves…..
If all this weren’t enough, along comes Education Minister Naftali Bennett, celebrating with Jewish zealots who have just ‘liberated’ another house from the Arabs. Their message to Palestinians in Jerusalem is clear: You are living here on borrowed time. You will be out of here soon, without even time to pack.

……they are forcing the Palestinians to kill and be killed, and later, in a victory cry, they call them terrorists.”Israel Created the 13-year-old ‘Terrorist’